It's time for this week's Hoo's Got Talent on Night Owl Crafting! This week I'm showing you the gift that I make for my husband and his co-workers almost every year...a KissMas Tree! It's a super easy craft that is a big hit with his friends at work. This year I used dark chocolate kisses, but you can use whatever kind you want.
For this craft, you'll need one craft cone (you know, the floral kind), two bags of Hershey's kisses, a box of toothpicks and some scissors that are capable of cutting the toothipicks (so don't use your good fabric scissors!) One other thing you might want to use although it's optional, is a lid from some sort of spray can, like spray starch. This will be used as a base for the tree and makes sure it sits straight once the kisses are all in place.
Some of the supplies you'll need. Not pictured: Floral foam cone |
Optional plastic cap, this one from a can of spray starch! |
To start, you'll want to cut a bunch of toothpicks in half so you have at least 40-50 halves. You'll probably need more (I didn't count!) but that will get you started... Once you've cut the toothpicks in half, insert each half, pointed end first, into the bottom (flat part) of the kiss. If you want to do an all green tree with only a few colored kisses as ornaments, you'll probably need more than two bags of kisses...that's why I decided to go the "striped" route with this tree...less green ones needed!
Cut toothpicks in half and insert pointed end into bottom of kiss |
After you've gotten quite a few kisses prepared, you're ready to start putting them into the tree. Choose what color you want your topper to be and stick your first kiss in the top of the tree. Then, working concentrically, wind your way down the cone, adding kisses as you go. Once all the kisses are in the tree, you can put the can lid into the base if using and you're ready to go! To give as a gift, just take some cellophane and wrap it from bottom to top, tying at the top with a pretty bow. Make sure you warn anyone who wants to rob your tree that there are toothpicks in the kisses! Occasionally the end will break off in the kiss so they'll want to keep from biting into a hunk of wood!
Without the cap base |